2025 GM Policy

1. New GM’s:

GM’s that have never run a scheduled game event that appeared in the onsite game program book at a previous DieCon and would like to schedule a game event for DieCon 2025 have a base rate of $25 for a weekend membership.

    1. All first time DieCon GM’s will need to schedule a minimum four hours of game event time for this rate.
    2. GM’s must meet DieCon GM qualifications.
    3. Partial refund of GM membership fee is available if GM schedules additional hours of game events.
    4. Partial refund will be provided on site after the completion of your last scheduled game event.
    5. Partial refund will be based on the number of additional scheduled event hours.
    6. Only scheduled event hours will be eligible for partial refund.
Game event hours must be scheduled in Sessions 2 – Session 7.

2. Returning DieCon GM’s in Good Standing:

Good Standing’ GM’s that have run a scheduled game event at a previous DieCon, DieCon 1-24, who schedule a minimum of eight game event hours at DieCon 2025 have a flat rate of $20 for a weekend membership.
  1. A Good Standing GM does not have a “No Show” history with DieCon.
  2. GM must meet DieCon GM qualifications.
  3. Additional partial refund may be available based on total scheduled game event hours beyond the initial 8 event hours.
  4. Only scheduled event hours will be eligible for partial refund.

A maximum of four game event hours may only be scheduled in Session 1 or 8 with approval of DieCon Event Director.

3. Game Company rep’s/demo team member.

  1. Discount will be determined on a case by case basis based on the following criteria.
    • Number of Event hours scheduled.
    • Number of participating Game Company rep/demo team members.
    • Prize support provided for games, raffles, charity auction and/or door prizes.
  2. Game Company representatives/demo team member must meet the DieCon GM qualifications.

4. GM Qualifications for discount membership rate:

  1. GM must be pre-registered with DieCon by April 30, 2025. Pre-registered is defined as Payment in full of DieCon 2025 GM membership fee.
  2. All scheduled Game Event information for all Game Events scheduled by the GM must be provided to DieCon by April 30, 2025
  3. All scheduled Game Event information must appear in the online DieCon 2025 event program book.
  4. All scheduled game Event information must appear in the final posted web event schedules and DieCon 25 online event program book found on the DieCon website.
  5. GM will perform all GM Onsite Responsibilities as directed by DieCon staff.
    Each Game Event has a single unique GM.

5. GM onsite responsibilities:

  1. Provide all materials to run event unless game description includes what players are required to supply.
  2. GM is at assigned event table a minimum of 10 minutes before start time of game event.
  3. Game is setup and ready to start within 10 minutes of scheduled start time.
  4. Check each player’s program cover passport for event ticket seating for event in following order.
    • Accept all players with standard DieCon Event ticket for specific game.
    • If after 10 minutes there are open seats, the GM may accept anyone who would like to play.
      • If the event is a Tournament, then all new players must pay all event fees.
  5. Insufficient players for event.
    • Contact DieCon Game HQ if after 5 minutes you have insufficient players to run your game.
    • DieCon HQ staff will see about recruiting player(s) for your event.
    • If after 15 minutes from original start time DieCon staff has been unable to recruit players then your game will have two options.
      1. Game event may continue with current players.
      2. Game event is cancelled.
  6. Failure to meet those guidelines will result in no credit for scheduled event toward GM discount/refund.

6. GM credit for cancelled events due to low attendance:

  1. GM must meet all guidelines for GM onsite responsibilities.
  2. Failure to meet those guidelines will result in no credit for the cancelled game event.