How To Register Onsite at DieCon For A Game
What you Need:
- Access to online Event Program Book
- Locate DieCon QR code posters to access online Event Program Book
- Game Registration Form
- Writing Instrument
What to Fill Out on the Form:
- Name
- Badge Number if available
- Y/N questions
- Game ID Codes
- Only one Game Registration Form per trip through the line.
- Game ID Codes are found in the Event Program Book.

- Fill out the Game Registration form.
- Take the form to the Game Registration desk
- This form will be used to check availability of selected games. The alternate game selections (if entered) will used if one or more of the primary games selected are not available
- A sticker will be placed on your “Passport to Adventure!” for each available game you register for.
- Do Not Lose your Passport to Adventure this shows your game registrations and indicates where the game is located.
- Take your Passport to your games to show you are registered for them and have fun.